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Monday, July 12, 2010

Assignment 2: Political Cartoon Analysis

In this assignment, you will be analyzing political cartoons. I have given you a link below to help you practice document analysis. First, use the link I have included to analyze the political cartoon. Then, check your accuracy by rolling your mouse over the different areas of the document. You will do an analysis of "Bostonians Paying the Excise Man" . Complete a document analysis sheet. In your reply to this post, explain at least three elements (exaggeration, symbolism, stereotype, humor, caricature, etc.) the illustrator uses and what they represent. Also include if you think the cartoon depicts the patriot or loyalist perspective. Use images and symbols from the political cartoon to support your belief. Once you have completed your analysis, check the synopsis located on this page to see if you have included all important scenes.

Document Analysis Worksheet

Practice for Political Cartoon Analysis

Synopsis of "Bostonians Paying the Excise Man"

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